If you couldn’t make it to the OT Show this November, or if you were too busy to catch the full viewing of our video on our stand, you’re in the right place. In this blog, we’re diving into the inspiration behind our award-winning stand concept, highlighting how it ties into our Fit For Our Future campaign and the bigger movement to create accessible homes for all.

The Inspiration Behind the OT Show Concept
The idea for our concept at the OT Show was sparked by the Fit For Our Future campaign. A collaboration between Invisible Creations, PROCare, and Foundations, the campaign aims to push for accessible homes across the UK, designed to meet the needs of everyone, regardless of age or ability.
At the heart of our campaign is the recognition that accessible housing is no longer just a luxury - it’s a necessity. As our population ages and disability rates increase, the demand for accessible homes has never been more urgent. In fact, 24% of the UK population lives with a disability, and as more people live longer with chronic health conditions, the need for homes that cater to a wide range of needs is clear.
The Fit For Our Future Campaign
Launched on 11th July 2024 at the House of Lords, our Fit For Our Future campaign aims to tackle the shortage of accessible homes across the UK. At the event, key speakers like Lord Richard Best, Dr. Rachel Russell, and David Orr emphasised the growing need for homes that not only support the ageing population but also offer lasting solutions that reduce the risk of falls, injuries, and hospitalisations.
The campaign advocates for simple, affordable changes - like grab rails, shower seats, and universally designed kitchens and bathrooms, that make a huge difference in ensuring independence, mobility, and safety. These adaptations aren’t just about convenience; they are essential for maintaining well-being, reducing the strain on health and social care systems, and ultimately allowing people to age in place.
The Video Concept: A Vision for the Future
The video featured on our Award Winning Stand on the Future of Accessible Housing, at the OT Show was designed to help Occupational Therapists (OTs) and industry professionals see what we see: a future where all homes are built to be accessible. We wanted to capture the vision of accessible living that’s not just about making do with temporary fixes, but about creating lasting, beautiful, and sustainable adaptations that meet the needs of today’s residents and future generations.
In the film, Paul Smith, Director of Foundations shares his insights - 25 years on from today, reflecting on how the quick fixes we carry out today simply weren’t enough. The video also features interviews with staff from Invisible Creations and PROCare, who discuss the real-world impact of accessible design. They highlight how – 25 years on from today - the Fit For Our Future campaign led to a drastic reduction in falls and hospitalisations, and a greater sense of independence for people living in accessible homes.
Capturing Imaginations and Inspiring Action
The aim of our video was to spark the imaginations of OT professionals and inspire them to take action. We believe that Occupational Therapists are key to the future of accessible homes, they understand the practical needs of people with disabilities and can advocate for design solutions that make a real difference.
That’s why we’re inviting you to sign up to the campaign and join our Facebook community for Occupational Therapists. The ‘OT’s are our Future, Facebook group is dedicated to leading the change in making all homes fit for the future. As an OT, you’ll have access to industry news, updates on the Fit For Our Future campaign, and opportunities to discuss the challenges and solutions around accessible design with fellow professionals. Together, we can shape the future of housing to ensure that all homes support independence, safety, and quality of life.